June 20, 2017

Planet Venus and Moon Appear on My House

On 20th of June 2017, The sky will show interesting things, Venus and Moon Planet appearing exactly in the north that I see in my house. I'm not following much of the astronomy news, and I suspect with the bright star with the moon at dawn, when I'm at my house, I just open one of my smartphone apps to see the sky map, the app I use is Star Walk2 and I Immediately knew tell that The bright star with the moon is the planet venus.

I took a picture of this sky phenomenon, and I was lucky to immortalize with my camera, below we will see images of planet venus and moon together in the sky. Maybe a few days later it will be gone.

Planet Venus and Moon Appear on My House

Here I have given a sign which is the planet venus and the moon, the picture is a bit rocking.

Planet Venus and Moon Appear on My House

Here we can see clearly which venus and month.

I'm sorry the image I share is not good, because I open a photography expert.

Planet Venus and Moon Appear on My House
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